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Lumen was born March 22nd 2020 to Cathi Wester of Clayborn Silken Windhounds. Cathi is a phenomenal breeder who matched Lumen’s personality to my lifestyle perfectly. I wanted a lower drive, easy going female, who would be a good puppy raiser for my boarding puppies and an ambassador for worried dogs to learn that dogs are neutral and safe. She has far exceeded those expectations.

Lumen loves spending time with her 4 other canine companions. but also greatly enjoys one on one time with her humans both big and small. She loves snuggling up to the adults, and looking for drive by snacks or pats from the tiny humans. She earned her CGC in 2023. Lumen loves walking through the city searching for dropped french fries (which her humans rudely won’t let her eat) and making new friends. Her best friend is a Maine Coon cat named Lore and they can often be seen snuggling together on a bed.

Lumen is responsive to basic training and has a medium food drive. She especially loves anything meat. She has an excellent off switch and loves curling up away from chaos on a warm fleece blanket on the couch. Her elbows and hips tested excellent and she has passed her CEAR Eye Exam, and her Echocardiogram as well as her Thyroid testing as of June 2024. If all tests well, she will be our foundation for the start of Silkens of Sidhe. I will aim to pair her with a slightly more goofy and outgoing male to balance out her quiet. I will look for a stud that has a higher food drive but similar off switch.

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